Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bastardizing the Great American Novel

Somewhere, Melville's rolling in his grave.

a rivalry begins by =aseariel on deviantART

Okay, I actually really liked this book. But my mind, being what it is, comes up with the above comic. So much for the depth of insight that could come from a book that is, by turns or points of view, about the descent into madness, the unrelenting pursuit of evil, the futility of fighting against fate/God/the world, the impersonal horror of industry, and the sparse moments of real human contact in a dark world, and the extent to which they must be treasured or else lost into eternity.

Someone will get a doctorate out of this. I get a vaguely amusing doodle on the back of my notes for a speech on whaling.

Then again, considering my temperament, this might be a fair trade.

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